Painting Service

Den of Imagination offers a variety of services including single display miniature pieces as well as an army painting service.

Blood Angels


Hierophant showcase!

From our painting service - our level 6 (Legendary) Bio Titan! Paulina did wonderful job...


Now this is something special fresh and new. Fist your eye on The Walking Temple.


Make it glow. oh yeah take a look at this eye candy.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sanguinor and Sanguinary Guard

As the very big Blood Angels army was finished some time ago already, here I work on the last part of it: 10 lvl 5 Sanguinary Guard models and lvl 6 Sanguinor. The models are for the same client who ordered lvl 6 Astorath the Grimm some time ago so I'll try to make Sanguinor a little similar in some aspects, e.g. scrolls are going to be painted the same way, also I decided to go with true metallicts till the end. This project is going to have many cool elements from shiny golden armours of many metallics shades, through all the wings and scrolls and ending with many shiny blood droplets painted as gems and freehanded power weapons. I'm also thinking of painting some kind of freehands on Sanguinor's wings.

Stay tuned for the future updates!

Kaldor Draigo

From our painting service - level 4 Kaldor Draigo!

If you don't know the guy or still hesitate if he is cool or not... check his trials...

Always do whatever's next.

There is only one way to keep up with our projects - subscribe to our @Youtube.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Stormclaw Giveaway Winner!

Here is the winner of our giveaway! And magic!

 Always do whatever's next.

There is only one way to keep up with our projects - subscribe to our @Youtube.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

SPACE MARINES 101st Airborne Division

From our painting service - level 3 models in tribute for 101st Airborne Division.

And photo gallery:

 Always do whatever's next.

There is only one way to keep up with our projects - subscribe to our @Youtube.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fantasy at last ?

Archaon and friends ^^. Some really nice looking models for Chaos. I would love to see models painted like this when I was playing warhammer fantasy battle.

Feed your Imagination,

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The one with the Iron Hands.

Today level 3 army - Iron Hands! You can see them in 360 on our YouTube channel. Take a look on this guys!

bye bye,

If you don't want to miss anything subscribe to our @YouTube.

Friday, October 17, 2014


Always do whatever's next.

There is only one way to keep up with our projects - subscribe to our @Youtube.