Hi guys! Today I'd like to show you pretty Forgeworld Ferrus Manus model I recently painted. As the whole Iron Hands army he's a part of. Ferrus has really a lot of metallic surfaces. This guy was made to look better than regular soldiers so here we have lots of metallic shades: from light silver to thin black metallic through brownish silvers, browns and golds. You could say that I used almost all the true metallic paints I had at hand :P but In other words I put some effort to make this model entertaining to look at. I also really enjoyed painting his iron hands with few washes used and silver gradually changing to skin color.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
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Ferrus Manus
Iron Hands
Miniature Painting Service
Warhammer 40k
» Ferrus Manus - The Iron Man
Ferrus Manus - The Iron Man
Tuesday, February 04, 2014
Ferrus Manus, Iron Hands, Miniature Painting Service, Warhammer 40k
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